The following resources are made available to the public. In addition, we provide links to additional online content.
- Uniform Rules
- Local Rules
- Brief Checklist
- Appeal Docketing Procedure
- Writ Docketing Procedure
- Briefing and Oral Argument – Frequently Asked Questions
- Clerk’s Office: How We Can Help
- Writ Intake Form
- Writ Intake Form (Spanish)
- Media Policy (external link)
Downloadable PDF Documents:
Record Custodian/Media Contact:
Robin Norman Jones
Judicial Administrator/Clerk of Court
Second Circuit Court of Appeal
430 Fannin Street
Shreveport, LA 71101
(318) 227-3700
Latest Dockets
- The latest opinions were added on February 12, 2025, released by our office and transmitted to the publishing companies, as appropriate.
- February 2025 Docket issued 01/24/2025
- January 2025 Docket issued 12/13/2024
- November 2024 Docket issued 10/18/2024
For District Clerks of Court:
- Notice Of Appeal (Civil)
- Notice Of Appeal (Criminal)
- Jurisdictional Index (Civil)
- Jurisdictional Index (Criminal)
- Motion for Extension of Return Date
Related Links:
- About Louisiana’s Judicial System
- Louisiana Bar Association
- Louisiana Laws Search
- LSU Law Library
- Louisiana Appellate Project
- Louisiana Government Branches
- Louisiana Governor’s Mansion
Americans with Disabilities Act
The Court of Appeal, Second Circuit does not discriminate on the basis of disability. Parties, attorneys, employees, job applicants and members of the public are entitled to access to all court programs, activities and services without regard to disability. If you are a person with a disability who needs reasonable accommodation, you may be entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. For further information on your rights under ADA and on the Second Circuit Court of Appeal’s efforts to provide reasonable accommodations to persons with disabilities, please contact:
Clerk of Court: ADA Coordinator Voice: 318-227-3702 TDD: 318-227-3737 |
Louisiana Relay Center: Voice: 1-800-947-5277 TTY: 800-846-5277 Speech-to-Speech: 888-272-5530 Spanish-to-Spanish: 800-737-1813 (includes Spanish-to-Spanish and translation from English to Spanish) |
Please fill out the following form and mail to the court’s address (shown at the top of the website), in order to request accommodations:
Request for ADA Accommodations
Harassment and Discrimination Policy
Harassment and Discrimination Policy
Ethics Statement
The Court, its employees, and individuals with whom the Court conducts business are required to comply with the provisions of the Code of Governmental Ethics, which can be found in La. R.S. 42:1101-1170.
Legislative Auditor Notice
Contact the Louisiana Legislative Auditor (LLA) Hotline if you suspect the misappropriation (theft), fraud, waste or abuse of public funds by anyone. Information provided to the LLA Hotline may result in an investigation, audit or other review.
When providing information to the LLA Hotline, please include sufficient detail (describing who, what, where, when, why and how) to allow us to fully evaluate your information. Although we will consider anonymous information, providing us with your name and telephone number will allow us to contact you with any additional questions that we have. Your name and telephone number, as well as the status of complaints, are confidential.
Toll-free: 1-844-50 FRAUD (503-7283) Fax: 1-844-40 FRAUD (403-7283)
Online: ReportFraud.La U.S. Mail: LLA Hotline, P. O. Box 94397, Baton Rouge, LA 70804